About Us

VIE focuses on computer vision and image/video quality assessment. Current ongoing projects include: multiple-object tracking, surgical video analysis and skill assessment, image and video quality assessment, and image segmentation.

  • Team Research Highlight: computer vision and image/video quality assessment
  • News

      ● Aug. 27, 2024   Congratulations to Ruohua and Zhaochen for their paper "Amodal Segmentation for Laparoscopic Surgery Video Instruments" being accepted by ICSI 2024 and getting the Best Paper Award!

      ● June 18, 2024   Congratulations to Ruohua for her paper "ShapeMamba-EM: Fine-Tuning Foundation Model with Local Shape Descriptors and Mamba Blocks for 3D EM Image Segmentation" being accepted by MICCAI 2024!

      ● March 11, 2024   Congratulations to Yujia Liu and Chenxi Yang for their paper being accepted by CVPR 2024!

      ● Dec. 12, 2023   Congratulations to Ruohua and Zhaochen for their papers being accepted by AAAI 2024!

      ● July 18, 2023   Congratulations to Zhixuan Li and Weining Ye for their paper "MUVA: A New Large-Scale Benchmark for Multi-view Amodal Instance Segmentation in the Shopping Scenario" being accepted by ICCV 2023 !

      ● June 1, 2023   Congratulations to Ruohua for her paper "PS-Net: Human perception-guided segmentation network for EM cell membrane" accepted by Bioinformatics !

      ● Feb. 17, 2023   Congratulations to Zhixuan Li and Ruohua Shi for their paper "OAFormer: Learning Occlusion Distinguishable Feature for Amodal Instance Segmentation" being accepted by ICASSP 2023 !

      ● Sept. 20, 2022   Congratulations to Fangqiu Yi and Yanfeng Yang for their paper "Not End-to-End: Explore Multi-Stage Architecture for Online Surgical Phase Recognition" being accepted by ACCV 2022 !

      ● Aug. 1, 2022   Congratulations to Zhixuan Li and Weining Ye for their paper "2D Amodal Instance Segmentation Guided by 3D Shape Prior" being accepted by ECCV 2022 !

      ● April 27, 2022   Congratulations to Yujia Liu for her paper "LabelFool: A Trick In The Label Space" being accepted by IJCNN 2022!

      ● April 11, 2022   Congratulations to Ruohua Shi and Zhixuan Li for their work “U-RISC: An Annotated Ultra-High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Dataset Challenging the Existing Deep Learning Algorithms” being accepted by Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience !

      ● Oct. 16, 2021   Congratulations to Fangqiu Yi and Hongyu Wen for their work “ASFormer: Transformer for Action Segmentation” being accepted by BMVC 2021 !

      ● May 19, 2021   Congratulations to Zihao Liu for his paper "Multi-level Relationship Capture Network for Automated Skin Lesion Recognition" being accepted by MICCAI 2021!

      ● March 6, 2021   Congratulatioins to Daochang Liu and Qiyue Li for their paper being accepted by CVPR 2021 !

      ● Jan. 7, 2021   Congratulations to Dingquan Li for passing Ph.D. Defense succesfully!

      ● Nov. 5, 2020   Congratulations to Dingquan Li for his paper being accepted by IJCV!

      ● Sept. 19, 2020   Congratulations to Daochang Liu for his paper being accepted by IJCARS!

      ● July 30, 2020   We are recruiting one Master Student in computer science! The candidate should have a good background (math & English & programming) and great passion for research. If you are interested in joining our group, please send your CV to [email protected].

      ● July 26, 2020   Congratulations to Dingquan Li for his paper being accepted by ACM MM 2020!

      ● June 23, 2020   Congratulations to Zihao Liu, Daochang Liu, Yuhui Wei, Chen Gong, Zejia Fan for their papers being accepted by MICCAI 2020 !

      ● Dec. 24, 2019   Congratulations to Jiahe Li and Sheng Li for their papers being accepted by WACV 2020!

      ● Aug. 28, 2019   Congratulations to Sheng Li for his paper "3D Human Skeleton Data Compression for Action Recognition" being accepted by VCIP 2019!

      ● July 10, 2019   We are recruiting one Master Student in computer science! The candidate should have good background (math & English & programming) and great passion in research. If you are interested in joining our group, please send your CV to [email protected].

      ● July 6, 2019   Congratulations to Dingquan Li for his paper being accepted by ACM MM 2019!

      ● June 5, 2019   Congratulations to Daochang Liu and Fangqiu Yi for their papers being accepted by MICCAI 2019!

      ● March 12, 2019   Congratulations to Daochang Liu for his paper "Completeness Modeling and Context Separation for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization" being accepted by CVPR 2019!

      ● March 12, 2019   Congratulations to Chen Huang for his paper "ENCODING DISTORTIONS FOR MULTI-TASK FULL-REFERENCE IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT" being accepted by ICME 2019 !

    Recent Publications

      ● Ruohua Shi, Lingyu Duan, Tiejun Huang, Tingting Jiang. Evidential Uncertainty-guided Mitochondria Segmentation for 3D EM Images, The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver, Canada, February 2024.

      ● Zhaochen Liu*, Zhixuan Li*, Tingting Jiang. BLADE: Box-Level Supervised Amodal Segmentation through Directed Expansion, The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Vancouver, Canada, February 2024.

      ● Yujia Liu*, Chenxi Yang*, Dingquan Li, Jianhao Ding, Tingting Jiang, Defense Against Adversarial Attacks on No-Reference Image Quality Models with Gradient Norm Regularization, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Seattle, WA, USA, June 2024.

      ● Ruohua Shi*, Zhaochen Liu*, Lingyu Duan, Tingting Jiang. Amodal Segmentation for Laparoscopic Surgery Video Instruments. The International Conference on Sensing and Imaging (ICSI). Huangshan City, China, August 23-27, 2024

      ● Ruohua Shi, Qiufan Pang, Lei Ma, Lingyu Duan, Tingting Jiang, Tiejun Huang. ShapeMamba-EM: Fine-Tuning Foundation Model with Local Shape Descriptors and Mamba Blocks for 3D EM Image Segmentation. The 27th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Marrakech, Morocoo, October, 2024.

      ● Chenxi Yang, Yujia Liu, Dingquan Li and Tingting Jiang, Exploring Vulnerabilities of No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Models: A Query-Based Black-Box Method, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Early Assess.

      ● Yan Zhong, Xingyu Wu, Li Zhang, Chenxi Yang and Tingting Jiang, Causal-IQA: Towards the Generalization of Image Quality Assessment Based on Causal Inference, Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Vienna, Austria, July 2024.

      ● Chao Liu, Xueqing Yu, Dingyu Wang and Tingting Jiang, ACLNet: A Deep Learning Model for ACL Rupture Classification Combined with Bone Morphology, International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention(MICCAI). Marrakech, Morocoo, October, 2024.

      ● Zihao Liu, Ruiqin Xiong, Tingting Jiang. CI-Net: Clinical-Inspired Network for Automated Skin Lesion Recognition. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI), Vol. 42, Issue. 3, pp. 619-632, March 2023.

      ● Zhixuan Li, Ruohua Shi, Tiejun Huang, and Tingting Jiang, OAFormer: Learning Occlusion Distinguishable Feature for Amodal Instance Segmentation, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, & Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, June 2023, pp. 1-5.